Visual Novel project! What is it about?

Hey! If you clicked on this project, that probably means that you're atleast a little bit curious about my visual novel! I didn't decided on the name for the moment, so i'll just call it "MobZ" atm.

My visual novel is going to be about my main passion : hip-hop. It'll tell the story of a rap group called "MobZ", trying to make it big in the scene. So, you'll play as one of the rap group member OR as the group's manager!! This sounds interesting right ? I'm very excited!

Right now, i'm still writing the main story, and the characters. At the moment, I can only share one of the main character called Marshall! You can see his design on the homepage! he's the one dancing !! :3 He's actually my favorite OC and his lore was starting to be very detailled, so why not create a visual novel about it ?

Please keep in mind! i don't want to say a lot about my game to not spoil anything! The visual novel is more of a side project, so please don't except detailled updates on it !


09/12/24 : Character developpement of AZ and Rakeem!
