Music Project !! "over your soul" EP !

I discovered (well, more like i "got obsessed with") rap and hip-hop in 2023. Since then, it been a big part of my daily life. My favorite artists are Eminem, Nas, Andre 3K and Nujabes.

After listening to these artists and hip-hop, I actually wanted to start making music like that ! I always had project ideas like that for visual novels, games, and stories, but wanting to make music was stuck in my mind for more than a year. I mostly done song-writing in the course of this year, but I was too afraid of actually starting music lmao

I'm not good with technical things as I am more of a creative person, so when I opened FL studio for the first time, I was realllyyyyy overwhelmed, and I didn't opened it again for month..... So yeah, I really hope this time i'll actually force myself to do it.


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